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HomePositive Affirmations250+ Encouraging Affirmations For Friends

250+ Encouraging Affirmations For Friends

Affirmations are very useful in friendships, they help keep the friendship moving forward most especially when the affirmations are coming from a very sincere place in your heart.

Friends play a very important role in our lives and they are the ones we usually look up to in difficult times.

You will not always have family around you. After your parents, friends are the next people that you can always turn to.

It is very important that you say some positive affirmations for your friends so as to keep them going in difficult times.

These affirmations work so well most times when you say them repeatedly and every day. I recommend that you say this repeatedly and daily so as to get the full results.

Take a look at these affirmations and how they can help your friends when you say them on a daily basis.

  1. You are an important person in my life
  2. You are always there when I face difficulty
  3. I feel safe and secure around you
  4. You are an amazing friend
  5. Your company brings me so much joy
  6. Your sense of humor is really amazing
  7. I can do anything for you
  8. Thank you for all the good you have been doing for me
  9. Your future is so bright
  10. I see greatness ahead of you
  11. You are destined for greatness
  12. Your family is lucky to have you
  13. I will keep on praying for you
  14. You will always be in my mind
  15. You are light a shining light
  16. God has big plans for you
  17. You are going to be super successful
  18. Greatness is upon you
  19. It is so glaring that your future is bright
  20. It is obvious that you are going to go places
  21. Things are falling in place for you
  22. I am happy that you have always been supportive
  23. Anytime I’m feeling down, you are always there to lift up my spirits
  24. You have been so much of a backbone for me
  25. As long as you have me, I will be there to support you too in times of need
  26. Everyone needs a friend like you
  27. You have a very good heart.
  28. You have great fortitude
  29. Your good character is going to take you far
  30. Keep on being Good, it surely pays
  31. You have been a blessing in my life so far
  32. I love how committed you are to our friendship.
  33. I do not judge you by your mistakes
  34. You always give me joy
  35. You have sacrificed a lot for me
  36. Thank you for all the efforts you put in making me happy
  37. If you are going through difficult times, just remember that nothing is permanent
  38. No condition is permanent
  39. Remember that difficult times will not last.
  40. Keep your head up
  41. I will always have your back
  42. Keep on your good character, it will pay off shortly.
  43. Your heart will always lead you to the right path, follow it.
  44. You have a very braveheart
  45. You are on the road to success
  46. Keep looking forward, don’t look back
  47. If you fall, rise up back
  48. Take some time to rest, you are working hard enough
  49. You make the world better with you in it
  50. You are loved with no boundaries
  51. You are a special person and I value you a lot
  52. You are very strong and courageous
  53. You inspire me a whole lot.
  54. You always fire me up to become a better version of myself
  55. You are never afraid of acting on your idea.
  56.  You are such a loyal friend
  57. You are such a brave Friend, I love that.
  58. You do not look down on anybody.
  59. You have values
  60. You are a very clever friend
  61. You are very open and bold
  62. You are accommodating, and I love that.
  63. People can totally rely on you
  64. You are an easy-going person and I love that
  65. Greater heights await you
  66. Never try to change your personality, you are amazing like this.
  67. You have a kind heart and you are also generous, it is going to come back to you
  68. You are a very good listener
  69. You pay close attention to details
  70.  I see greatness in you as I look at you
  71. Everything will work in your favor
  72. Always remember that life works in Your Favour
  73. Your roots are deep-seated, it cannot be uprooted.
  74. You are a complete friend
  75. You have a heart of love
  76. People always love to be around you
  77. All will be well with you
  78. You have a pure heart
  79. I love the fact that you do not discriminate or segregate
  80. I feel safe around you
  81. You are a very valuable friend
  82. You have been there for me in times where I almost gave up hope
  83. You take feedback and I love this.
  84. I believe in you so much.
  85. You have happiness all around you
  86. You do not allow difficulties to weigh you down.
  87. You keep pushing even when the path is not clear
  88. You are such a unique person
  89. You are such a skilled person
  90. I look up to you for Advice
  91. You inspire a lot of people out there but you may not be aware
  92. In difficult times, you have to keep on moving
  93. You are not affected by naysayers
  94. You always stick to what you say.
  95. You are not easily distracted
  96. You let go of the past and move on easily when things are not so good & I love that
  97. You do not let past hurt keep you sad
  98. Do not stop being the amazing person you are
  99. Each time you make a mistake, you take correction immediately. This is a very good trait
  100. Everything you plan to do will be very successful
  101. As long as you remain a good person, good things will always come your way
  102. You are truly hardworking
  103. You have a clear purpose in life
  104. You take good care of yourself and everyone around you
  105. You always make sure that your friends get help from you as long as you can offer it.
  106. I love how optimistic you are and how you look at things from the brighter side
  107. I will not swap our friendship for anything
  108. I am not willing to let you go
  109. You are so appealing to me
  110. You actually make life easy for me, especially in times of difficulties
  111. I thank God for creating you
  112. I bless the day I met you
  113. I wonder how I would have been if I never met you
  114. I love it Each time you encourage me
  115. You are a rare gem
  116. It is very difficult to find someone with an amazing character like you
  117. You are the best gift God gave me
  118. I appreciate that you always stay a true friend
  119. Our friendship doubles my Joy
  120. It would pain me so much if I lose you
  121. I don’t want to ever lose you or let our friendship break
  122. I like the fact that you have so much faith in me
  123. Your influence in my life makes you special
  124. I do not regret meeting you
  125. If I had to choose a list of friends all over again, you would be number one on my list.
  126. One of the best decisions I have made was to be friends with you.
  127. I must thank you for agreeing to be friends with me
  128. I appreciate that you share your deepest secrets with me
  129. Each time we hang out together, I do not feel like leaving or letting go
  130. You deserve my care & affection
  131. You forgive me each time I hurt you, I appreciate that
  132. If I had not met you, it would have been a great regret
  133. I am happy that I was able to attract you to my life
  134. It is amazing that You stick to friendship despite the difficulties
  135. I cannot replace you with anyone
  136. You remain true to who you are, you barely change
  137. I love the fact that you do not care about the negative things that people say, most especially about us being friends
  138. You have thick skin & you know how to handle any setback
  139. You do not let your mistakes judge you, instead, you learn from them. This is a very good trait that I admire
  140. Even in times where I defaulted, you still loved me as a friend
  141. Almost everybody I know speaks good about you, and that is so amazing
  142. You are an action-oriented friend, you always do what you say
  143. I love you so much as a friend
  144. You accept yourself as you are and that is a very good trait
  145. Each time you fail at something, you don’t sit back to cry, you always pick yourself back up
  146. I like the fact that You do not allow yourself to be reduced by the bad things that happen to you
  147. You are a friend who always thinks forward ever and backward never
  148. I like that You are not scared of trying new things, you always learn from your mistakes
  149. Everything will be ok
  150. In difficult times, think of the good times that will come.
  151. In easy times, remember that things will not always be easy
  152. I like the fact that you always give yourself reasons why you can, instead of reasons why you can’t
  153. I like that you are not ashamed of your scar, you always own up to your mistakes
  154. I like that even though you feel like quitting, you still keep going on
  155. I like the fact that you live a bold life
  156. You really know how to use words when you are with friends
  157. You are so blessed
  158. You find it easy to interact with people you just meet for the first time
  159. You sacrifice a lot for friends
  160. You always carry your friends along
  161. You do not try to win at the expense of others, this is a very good trait.
  162. I like the fact that you give more than you take
  163. You have all it takes to become great in the future
  164. Your dreams may seem impossible now, but just trust and you will see them manifesting
  165. You will be glad that you were good to a lot of people
  166. Never give up, you are going to be unstoppable
  167. Life is so interesting with you as my friend
  168. How would I have gone through those difficult times of mine if you were not there? You are an amazing friend
  169. I like the fact that you do not hide your emotions
  170. You are so versatile, you can do so many things with your hands
  171. You are really a strong man, you have been through a lot
  172. Keep on being strong, it will eventually pay off
  173. I like that you do not beat yourself up, you understand that you are a work in progress
  174. Everything is going to be ok at the end of it all
  175. You are braver and stronger than I ever imagined
  176. Your courage is really going to take you far
  177. You are even more intelligent than I thought
  178. It will all pass, it will all go away, we will go through this together
  179. Remember that what you have is just a bad day and not a bad life
  180. You are a friend of great potential
  181. You Inspire a lot of positive change in the lives of those around you
  182. I like how you are filled with happiness all the time
  183. Your words give strength
  184. You are a motivation to do many
  185. I like that what in yourself 100%
  186. What more can I ask for if not for a loving friend like you
  187. You have no limitations at all
  188. You have a very powerful imagination
  189. I love you because You are never anxious, you wait for the right time for things to happen.
  190. I like the fact that you are not easily discouraged, you always persevere to the end
  191. You do not easily give in to temptations, that is why I love you
  192. You have a sound mind
  193. You are so full of wisdom
  194. You are a friend full of Hope for the future
  195. I love the fact that You do not bother yourself with so much worry.
  196. You have an amazing and very unique attitude
  197. Your being alive today has helped so many individuals
  198. Spending a minute with you is like spending eternity with you
  199. You always make sure things are going fine for you
  200. Each time I spend with you, I always have something new to learn
  201. The more you talk, the more I learn new things
  202. You smell really good and this makes me want to spend more time with you
  203. I love how you talk to strangers, you do that with so much respect
  204. I love the fact that you do not look down on strangers
  205. You have a very good heart
  206. You always know the right thing to do
  207. You love yourself so much that you always put yourself first
  208. You have the mindset that nothing is permanent, nothing lasts forever and you are going to get over whatever you are going through right now
  209. You honor yourself and where you at right now
  210. You are aware that where you are today is not your permanent destination,
  211. You are so close to success, you just need to keep on moving
  212.  You understand that life is so beautiful and there is no dead end to success
  213. You usually make good use of your bad experiences in life and you learn from them
  214. You do not necessarily need any permission to rest, you are really working hard
  215. With time, you see yourself in a higher place
  216. You have not really run out of time, you just need to know when to execute on your ideas
  217. You should understand that you are a light to so many people
  218. Any room you enter, your presence always lights it up
  219. You look very good today
  220. You are the most amazing and inspiring person I have as a friend
  221. Each time you smile, it is breathtaking
  222. You have a very cheerful look
  223. You are an amazing role model
  224. I cherish each time we spend together
  225. You are a true friend and I love that you stick to that
  226. You are actually a role model to a lot of people out there
  227. A lot of people look up to you
  228. You are an icon to so many people
  229. I believe so much in you
  230. Anytime you need help, just reach out to me, I assure you that I will be there to help
  231. I sleep well knowing that you are always there for me
  232. You are the type of friend that everyone should have
  233. I must appreciate you for being such an amazing friend over the years
  234. The truth is that you are my 3 am friend.
  235. I love the fact that I can call you at any time and you respond to me.
  236. You mean so much to me and I will never exchange you for anything in this world
  237. I like the way you carry yourself
  238. Your smile could melt an iceberg
  239. You always bring out the best in everybody you come across
  240. You are unstoppable
  241. You are like a mentor to me
  242. You are more than a friend, you are a true leader
  243. You are a friend I can rely on at all times
  244. Each time I listen to you, I always feel motivated to keep on going, regardless
  245. I do not want to ever lose you
  246. If there is no other person that trusts you, just know that I trust you a hundred percent
  247. You are a friend after my heart
  248. The more I want to go without you, the more I see reasons to stick with you
  249. You are true to who you really are, you do not try to change or be like someone else
  250. Your story is really motivational
  251. You have no idea how great you are going to be
  252. You really matter to me
  253. You’re so good at what you do
  254. Most of the amazing things I do today, you were the one who inspired me to do it
  255. You amaze me
  256. I am so proud of you
  257. You exude a lot of happiness
  258. I feel so safe talking to you all the time and I like the fact that I can share all my worries with you
  259. Everything you lay your hands on always works out very well
  260. You are strong and really good looking


As friends, the things we say to ourselves matter a whole lot and it can either make or break your relationship as friends.

That is why you need to say a lot of positive words of affirmation to your friends.

For this reason, I have put together 270 words of affirmation that you can say to your friends that would be super encouraging to them.

The more you say them, the more they are happy to have you around because those words of encouragement really work.

It is very effective most especially when you say it repeatedly on a daily basis. If at all you need to go back to these words of affirmation, do not relent to always come back to it when you need to.

You can also do your friends a favor by sharing some of these words of affirmation with them, it can also help them and their relationship with their own friends.

You should try it out and you will see how amazing it works.

Affirm City
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The power of affirmative words is second to none when it comes to our daily lives. If you are looking for words of affirmation that will help you remain positive even when you are surrounded by so much negativity, then you are welcome to AffirmCity, A Safe Haven where Positivity lives.


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