Teachers should be surrounded by people who love and support them. That means an environment where there is positive reinforcement for good behavior and support for transforming good habits into better ones.
Positive reinforcement can come in the form of letters of affirmation from friends, families, or colleagues.
It can also come in the form of increased teacher self-awareness which will allow teachers to recognize personal weaknesses and make efforts to overcome them.
Here are some letters of affirmation for teachers as it will keep them motivated to do more as the world keep combating the crisis. Let them know they are not alone in this.
The future is the most important part of all these happenings and education is a big part of that future.
My list of affirmations for Teachers that are working hard during Covid
- There were some rocky times during the year, and I want you to know how much I appreciate your focus and dedication in coming to work every day with a smile on your face.
- I admire your attitude and willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty for our students. I am grateful for your hard work in the last year.
- I cannot express how grateful I am for everything you have done for us over the years.
- You have not only helped build the foundation as a teacher but as one of the heroes of these trying times.
- You have also been a role model for me as a person. In the midst of COVID-19, thank you so much for helping me gain my confidence in learning.
- Thank you for pushing me to become a better student every day.
- Your care, concern, and friendship mean so much to me over the course of my learning with you even in such trying times. There is no other mentor like you!
- Thanks for being so amazing! You’re there when I need you and I know your time with me in class will be one of the best experiences of my life.
- You’re such a good teacher, one of the best I’ve ever had. You care so much about us, and you are always there for us.
- Even when work is now hard and stressful, you make it fun and interesting!
- We are so grateful for your willingness to help out, and the kind and thoughtful manner in which you care for the children and families in this pandemic.
- Your words of encouragement were much needed and appreciated. You truly showed compassion and dedication and we could not have asked for a better replacement during this time.
- Thank you for everything you did for me, especially the hard things.
- I know it’s hard to see the humor in the midst of this, but I truly appreciate you for your hard work and effort.
- You had no idea what you were getting into when you took this profession. You are sacrificing so much to give these little ones a chance at the best possible education they can get.
- Dear Teacher, I am one of your students writing to say thank you for all the hard work you do. All too often we take it for granted that our teachers will always be around to guide us on the right path.
- The education you provide us is invaluable, the guidance you give us is incomparable to any other guidance out there in the world today.
- Thank you for being such a valuable person in my life. You are the reason why I am who I am today, and why I strive to become a better person.
- Your efforts amidst this pandemic should never go unnoticed.
- I appreciate all the love and effort you put into teaching. I know that being a teacher right now is not easy because there are now more responsibilities.
- With the stress of mounting coursework, you all remind us that learning does not have to be fun and games.
- You encourage us to learn with your positive attitude and diligence in helping us achieve our goals in school. Thank you!
- Dear teachers, you don’t know this but since when I was young, you have always influenced my life.
- I don’t say it enough but we appreciate all you do for us in these restrictive times. You rock!
- I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for all you do – not just during the school day, but after as well.
- You routinely go above and beyond for your kids and colleagues and I wanted to let you know how much it means to us.
- We don’t always say “thank you” enough…. But we mean it! We are so glad that our children get to learn from such amazing role models. You are the best!!
- Thank you for everything that you do. You have the toughest job in the world and it’s not easy. I know times are tough and maybe sometimes hard to smile.
- You fight every day to reach out and touch someone’s life. But just remember that there is at least one person who values your work and thanks to you for it, me!
- Thank you for your passion and dedication to building up our children’s future. You are one of the teachers that our country can be proud of.
- You work hard to show our kids that it is a great honor to have a profession and it is great and it is a memorable time in our lives.
- Dear teachers, I am sending this message to you from my heart. I really appreciate what you do for our children.
- You are a very important person for our little ones by teaching them what knowledge, love, and care are, especially in this pandemic.
- Dear teacher. When they come home from school they are so happy and full of enthusiasm. The beautiful things you teach them will stay with them forever in their sweet little hearts.
- I am writing this letter because I think each and every one of you is amazing. You work so hard and do so much for our education system in the midst of lockdowns and protocols.
- Thank you for everything that you do for us and have done for the past year. I hope we can all carry on your tradition of hard work and dedication to our dear children. Have a good summer!
- Thank you for working hard every day. It is admirable how hard you work and care for our school. You are a shining beacon in the hallways that brightens in times of darkness.
- Whatever hardships you face, I will always lift you up high with affirmations. With my love and faith, you can overcome any obstacle and reach your highest potential. I am confident that your efforts will be rewarded soon!
- Respected teachers, I sincerely thank you for your cooperation and patience in conducting these classes regularly. It has been a great pleasure to observe your friendly and responsible behavior towards your wards.
- Teaching is a noble profession. I must reassure them by informing them that teaching is a wonderful career that gives immense satisfaction.
- I assure you that we should always bear in mind our responsibilities and try to fulfill them in the best possible manner.
- I want to thank you for everything that you have done for the students this year. You are an amazing teacher and you have had a profound effect on their lives.
- I know that all teachers are doing an outstanding job, and they deserve our praise and gratitude.
- To the teachers who have been working tirelessly to educate our children during this time of global crisis, I wanted to let you know that you are appreciated by me and my fellow parents very much.
- We know how difficult it must be for you to teach our children with the circumstances being the way they are.
- Dear teachers, thank you for your services and dedication. You are the true heroes of our society in this global crisis.
- You have chosen this noble profession to help children, teach them to stand on their own feet, protect them from darkness and inspire them for the good.
- I know it is hard work, but you do it with love and devotion! I wish all the best to you in your future career!
- They are patient and loving. They want us to develop ourselves into different roles, not just as students but as fighters. I am very thankful that they came into my life!
- You don’t have to appreciate me, but I must appreciate you. I am happy to be with you in this class even with the fears out there.
- I really like to thank you for providing such a great service. You do a lot of work for this school during this coronavirus crisis and I really appreciate that.
- Thank you! Today I will give my gratitude to teachers. Fighters. Selfless. Heroes!
- I’ve been thinking about the great job you do, and I wanted to make sure you know how special you are to our school.
- At some point during your career as a teacher, there is usually a time when no one seems to appreciate what you do. This is the time and to burst your bubble, we all do!
- I want you all to remember that I appreciate your work and effort. Teachers are the true heroes right now.
- You really make a difference in these students’ lives in such trying times. I want you to keep up the good work.
- I’m sure that you have been told the many reasons why children are excited to come to school these days. It’s not just because of only the subjects they learn, but the warmth of a caring heart you always share.
- It’s definitely not just because you teach well and makes education interesting and fun, but also because of the wonderful spirit in which you do it.
- I appreciate everything you’ve done so far and I just want to let you know that your effort is not going unnoticed. I hope it all falls into place and that you reach all your goals. You are appreciated!
- It’s hard to fathom that you are still putting so much time and effort into your work when the world is falling apart outside of school. Your guidance and care are so important for these children.
- In times of global crisis such as this, kids need role models, someone to look up to and you are that person. Thank you for being so devoted to these kids and this school, it’s truly admirable.
- I appreciate all you do for my son in his classroom. I know it can be difficult dealing with 30+ kids sometimes. But they look up to you and need your guidance in these times. Thank you for all you do!
- Thank you for all you do for our students and their families. Sometimes it seems you are working against a brick wall, but I honestly believe most of the time people have no idea how much you do.
- I am so appreciative of your hard work and effort during the tough times. Your encouragement makes me feel valued and important, you make Education FUN!!
- You are such an inspiration. Thank you for all that you do. I think it is wonderful how much time you devote to teaching us.
- I would like to thank you for your hard work and time. I want to also thank you for loving my daughter. You are such a kind and wonderful teacher for her.
- I am glad that you are her teacher this year because I know that our kids are in good hands. It takes a lot of courage to do what teachers do each day with the lack of appreciation they get today.
- For all the teachers, there is a line that is longer and thicker than the rest. It’s drawn with love that’s anchored in hearts. A voice of affirmation, just like a gentle warm embrace.
- To stop to appreciate and thank teachers for their courtesy, their kindness, their patience, and all they do to encourage others to achieve. Teachers are special people who impact knowledge even in times of crisis.
- We are so grateful to you for everything that you have done for our children. Every day you spend ensuring that they get the most out of their education even in constraints.
- My kids learn so much despite the fears we are facing currently, and it is only because of your efforts. You bring a smile to everyone’s face and lightness in their step. You are such an inspiration! Thank you!
- Dear Teachers, Thank you for coming into our lives and making us better people. Thank you for being there when we need you! We love you and couldn’t do anything without you. You are doing great work and it will get even better!
- In times of crisis, you are the ones to be counted upon. As a teacher, I have seen your dedication with my own eyes and know that you deserve our support.
- Thank you for all the sacrifices that you have made – no words can express our heartfelt gratitude.
- It is teachers like you that make this world go round. You are someone special who can impact the lives of millions of people.
- Don’t ever think you don’t make a difference in this world, for your actions have made an incredible difference in many people’s lives already.
- Some people have a special talent for impacting the lives of others in a way that is impossible to forget. They are like the morning sunrise; hopeful, energetic, and radiant.
- Teachers still maintaining the quality of education during COVID-19. These are the teachers who inspire, motivate, and bring out the best in their students by using their talents and love of learning.
- I am writing to you with the utmost respect and kindness of my heart. I want you to know how grateful I am for your job and effort in doing it so well.
- Although we thought it was a lost cause, you still spend your time and energy teaching these kids the best.
- A good teacher is a person that goes beyond the call of duty. The lists of teachers who have gone above and beyond since the lockdown eased up are truly heroes!
- I don’t have the words to express my gratitude for all you do. Thank you for working hard despite your exhaustion. Thank you for being rigorously determined to teach our children.
- It is teachers who make a nation great. I will look back at this note when I am a parent and think of how lucky I was to have responsible, hard-working teachers who dedicated their precious time and energy when the chips were down.
- You are so important to our community and a big part of making it the best it could be. You inspire me and thousands of others every year with your dedication and hard work for our youth. Keep up the great work.
- We consider you our family and a special part of our life. Your contribution to our lives is immeasurable and we truly appreciate all that you have done for us.
- Dear Teachers. It is at these times of our lives that true courage is tested. We thank you so much for all of your impossible work and sheer bravery.
- Your high standards and discipline instill values in these children that ensure they will be successful in any career they pursue. Nothing beats that.
- Teachers are a very special class of people. They are the growing force and backbone of education. Their tireless efforts, devotion, faith, and determination are commendable, but all too often go unnoticed and unappreciated.
- Your love for your students is worth more than a million dollars. You have done more than most people will ever do in their lives. I am here to appreciate you for what you do.
- You worked so hard to create a place where your students felt safe and learned. It was almost over. You had to pick up the pieces and start over again. It took some time but you did it!
- Your students depended on you and needed you. They trusted you to give them the education and guidance they needed in these times. You didn’t let them down.
- Thanks for all the hard work you put into your students. Their growth is from your effort. I’ve seen these changes. They are bright as ever.
- Because of your bravery, the kids are learning important information and thinking about it deeply. They can walk into the world and take on whatever is thrown at them.
- I am writing this note to thank you for all the work you put into your job, class, and education every day.
- I know it is hard work and quite frustrating these days but we appreciate everything that you seem to forget is hard work too.
- I have been so blessed in my life to have had amazing teachers who really care about their students; they have shaped me into the person I am becoming.
- As I get older and begin to understand just how much teachers mean to me and I want to let them know how special they really are. They are more than a teacher – they are a guide.
- The way teachers connect with us and give us the push we need right now to be our best is truly an inspiration. I cannot thank them enough for all that.
- Thank you for all your hard work. I know sometimes it can be hard to keep up with students even in this age of lockdowns and face masks.
- I really do appreciate all the work you do every day to help me learn and succeed. I hope you and your family have a healthy and safe holiday coming up!
A letter of affirmation is a powerful tool in creating a powerful school climate. It will encourage teachers to be better and help them build a positive school culture that prepares students for success in school and beyond.
The effectiveness of the affirmations depends on the teacher-student relationship: The more genuine and respectful you are toward teachers, the more effective the education will be.
It is time to let teachers know someone cares about what they do and wants them to succeed. It means that there is someone in the world who is behind them, and rooting for them.
It means that there is hope for global success, as long as they keep pushing through the difficult times.